Financial Survival Kits for Teenagers & Parents

Accumulate a $20,000 net worth in 5 years with Financial Survival Kits for Teenagers Program. The program is ideal for teenagers ages 13-19 and their parents to work together and build a strong financial foundation.

Program Details

Educational Course

We teach you about financial principles early so you’re more than prepared for adulthood. You’ll learn at your own pace through an online learning system of video lessons, worksheets, supplementary handouts, and more. You’ll learn how the experts make decisions and why.

$20,000 Financial Plan

While you learn, you build your own $20,000 financial plan using our proprietary online tools. A personalized results page will compare your current numbers to the program’s recommended benchmarks and illustrate ways to create wise financial habits like an expert.

Meet with Your Financial Advisor

Teenagers and parents will meet one-on-one with their Financial Advisor to optimize income, maximize assets, establish credit card history, and practice proper spending habits. Your advisor also guides you through creating your suitable investment portfolio.

Program Includes

  • A full educational course for teenagers and parents to work together and build a strong knowledge in the world of finance. Topics include making financial decisions, details of creating a strong investment portfolio, shrinking debt, and more.
  • Ongoing personalized financial planning with a financial advisor
  • Investment portfolio setup, management, and monitoring
  • A clear track to $20,000 net worth in 5 years, with access to your financial advisor to assist along the way


Financial Educational Course
+ Ongoing Financial Planning
+ Full Financial Services included in the Program
+ Unlimited Financial Reports



  • Tutorial Book Included
  • Billed 30 days in Arrears
  • Cancel with 30 Days Notice
  • $97 Setup Fee

  • Terms & Agreements

Preview The First Full Lesson:

Get a preview of the Financial Survival Kits for Teenagers & Parents by watching the first full-length video lesson here!

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